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Campus Life
Student Activities
Student Activities
 Campus Life Student Activities Culture Events and Other Programs
Culture Events
  • - Hosted 8 times a year or more (3 to 4 times per semester)
  • - Additionally, events for foreign students are hosted in association with other universities, such as the athletics competitions and culture trips with Seoul Women’s University
International Student Orientation
  • - Hosted every semester
  • - Orientations cover school introduction, enrollment, visa and alien registration, life in Korea etc.
Foreign Student Seminar
  • - Hosted at the end of each semester (twice a year)
  • - Seminars promote friendship among international students and offer personal counseling and academic guidance in issues regarding studies, scholarship, medical care, culture, etc.
Job Fair for International Students
  • - Hosted in October, every year
  • - One-on-one interviews, company briefing sessions, visa consultation, etc.
  • - Support regarding transportation, class attendance, Dream mileage offered.
TOPIK Exam Preparation Classes
  • - Offered for Korean language students, foreign students studying for the TOPIK exam, university entrance, or Korean language proficiency
  • - Consists of 8 lessons per semester (Tues, Thurs 14: 00 ~ 16: 00)
  • - Cost : 80,000 won (subject to vary depending on the class size)
  • - Maximum 15 people per class
  • - Contact : Korean Education Team (02-970-9223)
K-POP Contest
  • - Hosted mid-May, every year
  • - For Korean language course students, foreign students, and Korean students
  • - Created to help students learn Korean and explore Korean culture through K-Pop; to instill a sense of community through group performances
Korean Speech Contest
  • - Hosted early November, every year
  • - For Korean language course students, foreign students
  • - Created to enhance students’ Korean language ability and understanding of Korean culture through team performances in various forms (two to five members per team)
Faculty Mentoring Program
  • - Created to support school life adjustment and provide personal counseling through mentor (faculty, teaching assistants) and mentee (foreign students) groups
  • - 164 teams in first semester of 2017, 169 teams in second semester of 2017, 14 teams in first semester of 2018
  • - Contact: Korean Education Team (02-970-9219)
Korean Language Clinic
  • - Korean language skills (speaking, reading, writing, listening)
  • - Contact: Language Education Research Team (02-970-9185)
International Coffee Hour
  • - Created to provide opportunities for foreign students and Korean students to meet and mingle.
  • - Hosted four to five times during the semester
  • - Refreshments, drinks and games
Other Events
  • - Special writing lectures (once per semester), Korean language mentoring (on request), tutor support (mathematics, physics, etc.)
01811 서울 노원구 공릉로 232 서울과학기술대학교 유학생지원팀 Tel : +82-2-970-9206~7 Fax : +82-2-970-9229
공과대학공과대학기계시스템디자인공학과기계·자동차공학과기계공학 프로그램자동차공학 프로그램안전공학과신소재공학과건설시스템공학과건축학부-건축공학전공건축학부-건축학전공건축기계설비공학과정보통신대학정보통신대학전기정보공학과컴퓨터공학과스마트ICT융합공학과전자공학과전자IT미디어공학과전자공학 프로그램IT미디어공학프로그램에너지바이오대학에너지바이오대학화공생명공학과환경공학과식품공학과정밀화학과스포츠과학과안경광학과조형대학조형대학디자인학과산업디자인전공시각디자인전공도예학과금속공예디자인학과조형예술학과인문사회대학인문사회대학행정학과영어영문학과문예창작학과외국어교육기술경영융합대학기술경영융합대학산업공학과(산업정보시스템전공)산업공학과(ITM전공)MSDE학과경영학과(경영학전공)경영학과(글로벌테크노경영전공)데이터사이언스학과미래융합대학미래융합대학융합기계공학과건설환경융합공학과헬스피트니스학과문화예술학과영어과벤처경영학과정보통신융합공학과창의융합대학창의융합대학인공지능응용학과지능형반도체공학과미래에너지융합학과교양대학교양대학국제대학국제대학대학원일반대학원산업대학원주택도시대학원철도전문대학원IT 정책전문대학원나노IT디자인융합대학원융합과학대학원