Title | 2024학년도 2학기 신입생 외국인 등록증 신청 관련 안내 | ||||
Writer | 국제교류처 | ReadCount | 6186 | Date | 2024-09-02 |
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외국인 등록증 신청과 관련하여 안내드립니다. 한국에서 90일 이상 체류하는 외국인은 외국인등록증을 반드시 신청해야합니다. 그렇지 않으면 200,000~1,000,000원의 과태료가 부과될 수 있습니다. 현재 본인이 가진 Single Visa로 출국을 하게되면 한국에 다시 입국할 수 없습니다. 외국인 등록증을 만든 후에 출입국이 자유롭습니다.
1. (단체 신청) Hirevisa(Visa agency) : KRW 40,000
국제교류처는 Hire Visa Agency와 협력하여 신입생의 외국인 등록증 신청을 돕고 있습니다. 지문 등록 및 카드 수령 일정은 해당자에게 추후 안내하겠습니다.
-1차 신청 기간 : 2024. 9. 3(화) ~ 2024. 9. 13(금) 17:00까지 -신청 사이트: https://www.hirevisa.com/seoultech
2. (개인 신청) KRW 30,000
본인 스스로도 외국인 등록증을 신청할 수 있습니다. 단, 세종로 출입국에 방문예약을 먼저 해주세요, 서울 세종로 출입국이외에 다른 지역에서는 외국인 등록증 신청이 제한됩니다.
-하이코리아 방문예약: https://www.hikorea.go.kr/Main.pt
○ 필요 제출 서류 - 통합신청서: (서식 다운로드: https://hikorea.go.kr/board/BoardApplicationListR.pt ) - 여권사진(3.5cm X 4.5cm size) - 여권사본 1부 - 재학증명서 1부 - GKS 장학증명서(대상자만) - 거주지증명서 1부(기숙사거주확인서 or 본인 이름의 집계약서 등) __________________________________________________________________________________________ It is illegal to stay in Korea for more than 90 days without being registered, regardless of your visa at entry. If you exceed this period, you have to pay fines (200,000~1,000,000 KRW) to the Immigration Office according to their Immigration Policy.
Please note that If you temporarily leave Korea before a registration card is issued, you cannot re-enter to Korea with your current visa. Almost of students receive a D-2 visa which is a single entry visa. Be sure to make a travel plan after you obtain a registration card !!
Issuance of ARC will take more than 6 weeks because the beginning of a new semester is the busiest time for the immigration office and the process takes a longer time than usual.
1. (Group registration) Hirevisa(Visa agency) : KRW 40,000
Our office will be operating Alien Registration group service through Hire Visa Agency. About registering finger print and picking up the card, it will be notifed later, so please wait until you get the notice.
Hirevisa is offering two of application periods; - (1st Application period) : September,3.(Tue) ~ September.13.(Fri) 17:00 You can fill out the ARC application by visiting the below website; https://www.hirevisa.com/seoultech -Benefits of group registration: 1) Do not need to go to the immigration office by yourself 2. (Individual) KRW 30,000
It is also possible to apply for a registration card by yourself. Please make a visit appointment in advance to Sejongno Immigration Office; Make sure you go to the office with jurisdiction in our area, as they won't serve you if you go to a different branch.
○ Required documents - Application form (Download the form: https://hikorea.go.kr/board/BoardApplicationListR.pt ) - Photo(3.5cm X 4.5cm size) - A passport copy - Certificate of enrollment - GKS Scholarship certificate(If you are a GKS student) - Proof of residence (Dormitory certificate or a copy of the housing contract under your name)
Thank you. |